Understanding people's interactions with a digital product and how it can be influenced are topics that should be covered by any UX designer. UX design has a long-term relationship with social, behavioral and cognitive psychology.
A designer who does not understand human psychology will not be more successful than an architect who does not understand physics - Joe Leech
To understand the actions and reactions of users, we must first observe. Fortunately for us, some psychologists have already performed numerous experiments whose results are very useful in UX/UI designing for a mobile application or website.
Fitts' law
"The time required to access a target is proportional to its size and distance from the user"
Examples of this law can be found on almost all websites in many forms. For example, highlighting Call-To-Action buttons by changing size and colors or positioning of important forms or buttons that we want the user not to ignore.
The time it takes for the user to locate and understand the purpose of a particular item is a key issue that digital agencies take into account when designing an interface.
The von Restorff effect
Also called the isolation effect, the von Restorff effect says that an object that "stands out" (through distinctive elements) is more likely to remain in the memory of users than others. Our mind will remember the unusual elements that go out of print.
Let's say we want to introduce the user to the types of subscriptions or pricing packages we offer, but we want him to prefer a more expensive package, not the cheapest one. In this case, we will present the pricing packages and we will highlight the package that we would like the customers to prefer. Thus, we transform that pricing package into the most memorable information about the prices offered on our website.
The Serial-position effect
Serial-position effect is the tendency of a person to recall the first and last items in a series best, and the middle items worst.
Position key elements that you want the user or visitor of your website not to miss, or even to remember, at the beginning and the end of a list or sequence of items. The other items in the list are not as visible as the extremities.
Miller 's law
Most people can keep a maximum of 7 (plus or minus 2) items in their working memory
Carefully structure the content presented on your website or in your mobile application so that you present to the user all relevant information about your business in the simplest and least cluttered way possible.